I Met a Bird in the Sky in Val d'Orcia, Tuscany - Los Angeles Travel Photographer

The landscape of the UNESCO world heritage site of Val d'Orcia in Tuscany, Italy is one of the most expressive in my opinion.  

I love the movement of the curves, the changes of highlights and shadows,  and the postures of the trees, especially those of the famous cypress trees that line the properties.  And then, one day, I looked up the sky and saw a bird.  I whispered in her ears and let her bring my happy weekend wishes to you. :-)

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Pitigliano in Tuscany Grew Out of Tufa Rock - Los Angeles Travel Photographer

Yes, you read it right.  Pitigliano is a town that dates back to the Etruscan times in Tuscany and the ancestors of the people there had the intelligence of cutting into the soft volcanic tufa rock to establish their dwellings.  They even created channels by cutting into the tufa rock in depths that vary between 3.3 and 33 feet, apparently for water.

In such an amazing historic town, I learnt that it has something in common with Venice.

Do you want to take a wild guess at it?



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It's a Jungle Out There, Where is everybody? - Los Angeles Travel Photographer

They say "beauty is in the eyes of beholders".  I say an over-arching mantra is because we all look at things through our own "filters".  The fact is out there.  And yet, while we believe our own eyes, we can also be cheated by our eyes.  We each have this filter that affects how we see and feel about certain things and it may have been determined by our up-bringing, life experience, or anything that's unexplainable.

As the weather warms up, we plan our vacations.  Many dream of heading to the beaches.  One of the favorite is the Amalfi Coast in Italy.  When the season is right (or not), the view of the beach could seem like a sardine packing facility.  

I was there on one of those very days, when you'd run into tour buses or people or both any given second.  And yet, my filter brought me to make this image, of this "lone" man, when he's not quite "alone".  Do you have one of these experiences?  



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