A Photograph That Saved A Thousand Words - Los Angeles Travel Photographer

Photography can be such an amazing venue for expression and explanation without many words. As the cliche goes, โ€œa picture is worth a thousand wordsโ€. Itโ€™s also a great tool for representing a moment in time. However, just because one image saves one thousand words, it doesnโ€™t mean no word is needed to provide context. This makes me think of a situation in which just because a good employee can save his boss tons of money doesnโ€™t mean the employer wonโ€™t have to compensate him for his work. Alright, I digressโ€ฆ

Take this image for example, I made it before the National Historic Archery Challenge's Final in Bevagna, Italy. How would you interpret it or caption it? Knowing that
the people of this town is capable of drama in high fashion, I wonโ€™t be surprised at some of the answers that you will put below. ๐Ÿ˜Š



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What is Your Secret? - Los Angeles Travel Photographer

Secrets, something that must stay out of light, are no exception in the dark age of Medieval time. As the late physician Paul Tournier put it, โ€œNothing makes us so lonely as our secrets.โ€ This may have explained why so many secrets have been exposed with the promise of keeping it such when shared.



On the day of the Giostra del Saracino in Arezzo, Italy, when the final parade made its way to the Cathedral and the knights from four competing districts waited to be blessed by the Bishop of the city, I witnessed human urge to tell secrets. After all, the Lancia dโ€™Oro (golden spear) is at stake. In my book, the higher the prize, the more juice. :-)



So, what is your secret? By the way, no point in keeping it from others because โ€œif you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourselfโ€ (George Orwell, 1984).

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Knights, Dames and More in Foligno, Italy - Los Angeles Travel Photographer

They say itโ€™s in the air. I call it ambiance that I can smell with eyes. In about two weeks, an ancient Italian town of Foligno will be where your eyes meet good-looking Dame and Messeri.



To put out such a medieval setting is no walk in the park. But, I can attest that final touch-ups proved to be fruitful.





Can you believe this much fuss has to do with horses? If you allow me a chance, I can explain.

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