Bee Pollen is for Hive Gallery - Los Angeles Fine Art Photographer

Throughout my life, I found myself being curious most of time and asking (too) many questions sometimes.  As one (or two) wise person said, life is a never-ending learning experience.

One day, when the subject of interest turned to bee pollen that has made its way into my daily diet, I learnt that the fuzzy aircraft collect pollen of up to their body weight in the sacs of their hind legs, before carrying the pellets back to their hives.  

In this part of the nation, bees have waken up from winter and are happily buzzing around in my rosemary patch. None of my wildest imagination or my tireless questioning would have brought me to realize that ingesting bee pollen one day would lead to
having my photography shown at a gallery named Hive on a fine spring day.  

Universe has its interesting way of having things lined up and I don't seem to mind it this time.

This Saturday, I will "bee" at the Hive Gallery between 8:00 and 11:00 pm.  Will you?   

Details and RSVP at


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