Depending on which corner of the world we are at, winter can be a bitter and long one. For th spoiled one like me, I still could not wait for the (mild) winter weather to give way to the next season.As some already know, spring is one of my favorite seasons (fall being the other one) for photography, I go crazy with Japanese gardens and Chinese gardens when it comes to landscape photography.
Since I've shared some images taken at Japanese Gardens of the Huntington Library and the Descanso Gardens, I thought it's only fair to share those of Chinese Garden in the Huntington Library.

So, what is your favorite? The fresh green on the weeping willow? The reflection of the pagoda on the surface of the lake? The mirror reflection of the bridge? Or the pink spring flowers?
I tell you how I felt. At the reminiscence of the childhood memory, I felt that I was back home.
P.S. Any image in the Fine Art Photography category can be purchased to adorn your beautiful home. Please contact me for sizes and presentation options.