
Another Puppy Got Hitched in an Oil Painting - Los Angeles Pet Photographer

One of my clients said to me lately that my photography does not look like photographs.  She meant it in a positive way, I'm sure. :-)

Well, I don't look at myself as a photographer, but an artist that expresses herself in whatever medium makes sense for any project.  So, you may have seen a few digital oil painting of my photographic images lately.  That doesn't mean that I'm trying a new "gimmick".  It simply shows that I'm flexing my "expressive muscles".

So, here's another "interpretation" of a photographic image of a puppy.  If you are able to find the original image online, I am sure you'd agree that they give you completely different "feels" and that (meaning feels and moods), ladies and gentlemen, is what I aim for in all my creations.



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Lost & Found - A Little Puppy Found its Way into my Flower Petals - Los Angeles Pet Photographer

The other day, I was playing with the fallen peony petals, i.e. photographing them in all lighting conditions.  This puppy came along and anchored its little behind right in the middle of my "playground".  So, as with anything in life, I made the most out of the situation - I played with both the puppy and the petals.  And the end result is something like the image below.If you've lost your puppy, come claim it and we can discuss how this art can look in your house.

Wall Display of a Boxer Puppy Sitting in a Pile of Flower Petals - ©Jean Huang Photography
Wall Display of a Boxer Puppy Sitting in a Pile of Flower Petals - ©Jean Huang Photography
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You think I'm cute? - Los Angeles Pet Photographer

It's Monday.  It's raining.  I need something to lift my spirit.  So here's my question for you: ©Jean (Jiaying) Huang What do you think?