
The Not So Obvious Answers

The wait is finally over, at least for me. I've been dying to share my thoughts on my recent blog "Looking Beyond the Obvious". ย So, I'm going to dash straight to the subject of discussion... "What Are They"

Tomatentyp Romana

What you see in picture #1 was, well you guessed it, love, lot of it. ย When our first lady started planting vegetables, she was not alone. ย This eggplanty-looking Roma tomato came from the organic garden of my parents' back-yard. ย And for any of my friends out there that are experienced with "parents", their love comes out-pouring. ย While that tomato is still sitting in my kitchen as a reminder to write this post, you know what, they brought the hot pepper seedlings when they found out I'm into vegetable gardening too, except I'm not sure what to do with the pepper that could be too spicy for me.

Now, the second picture shows an irregularly shaped lemon, from the tree in my yard. ย I know I have friends that would pick perfectly shaped lemons and nicely plate them as a decor (and possibly to show off). ย Well, truth is thatย none of the picture-perfect lemons from our tree has evoked as much

Two lemons, one whole and one sliced in half

emotions from my husband as this one does. ย I noticed that every time ย he sees this oddly looking object, he cracks into smiles. ย In this day and age, almost all of us are subject to varying levels of stress. ย While a yoga session or aย Mediterraneanย cruise may do the wonders, nothing beats a "low-cost" fruit that quietly sits there and makes him smile every day.

The third picture baffled even my husband. ย My philosophy to life is that every body and every thing comes to this world for a reason. ย And they should all be given the best opportunity to accomplish what they came here for. ย So when the jasmine flowers prematurely fell off the branches, I collected them inside. ย Their light aroma brings childhood memories of places that don't look the same anymore (if you like, you could read my thoughts on modernization here and here). ย And who would have expected that the pale-white flowers would celebrate the end of their lives by giving out the most splendid array of colors?

Now, my friends, you've known a little about my back-yard, my parents and my husband. ย Click the "like" button if you like anything that I said. ย I'd be even more flattered if you would leave a comment by clicking the link to "Leave a Comment". ย :-)

Happy reading!

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