The northwestern Iceland has always been noted for its horsemanship. But having a herd of Icelandic horses waking up to the first ray of daylight right out of our bedroom sliding door was more than what I could ask for. In Hvammstangi, I got to meet some characters, including these two. What do you think they were talking about?
Maybe, something like this:
"Do you like the flowers?"
"Yes, they are delicious."
Haha, this Valentine's Day, don't make him/her mad, make him madly in love! :-)
Leave your caption below in the Facebook comment box. The best answer will be rewarded with something of these two horses. :-)
Los Angeles Pet Photographer
Another Puppy Got Hitched in an Oil Painting - Los Angeles Pet Photographer
One of my clients said to me lately that my photography does not look like photographs. She meant it in a positive way, I'm sure. :-)
Well, I don't look at myself as a photographer, but an artist that expresses herself in whatever medium makes sense for any project. So, you may have seen a few digital oil painting of my photographic images lately. That doesn't mean that I'm trying a new "gimmick". It simply shows that I'm flexing my "expressive muscles".
So, here's another "interpretation" of a photographic image of a puppy. If you are able to find the original image online, I am sure you'd agree that they give you completely different "feels" and that (meaning feels and moods), ladies and gentlemen, is what I aim for in all my creations.
Continue on the Painting Frenzy, This Time with a Pet - Los Angeles Pet Photographer
As if it was not enough to get the frenzy out of my system after the hybrid photography/painting that I posted 2 weeks ago, I went on to do it to a pet dog (photography). So this (long) weekend, be on the look-out when you walk your pets. Hehe...
Have a happy weekend, everyone, Labor Day or not!