Hello all my friends, happy 2011!!! ย I want to take this opportunity to thank you for all your support in the past year. ย Without your visits to this website and your insightful comments, it wouldn't have been as much fun to keep posting. :-)
To express my appreciation, Jean Huang Photography would like to kick off the new year by having "How Much Fun Can You Have With Holiday Pictures" photo contest.
Winning is easy:
1. Become a fan of Jean Huang Photography by clicking the "like" button (at http://www.facebook.com/jeanhuangphotography).
2. Submit, to the wall of the above-mentioned fan page, as many fun* photos taken during the holidays (Christmas and/or New Year) as you'd like. Make sure your photo(s) are "rated G" (i.e., safe for all ages). ย Again, no limit on number of photos to submit.
3. Now, here's the fun part: Vote for fun* photos by "liking" them. And promote your photos to gain as many "likes" as possible. ย So friends and family are important people in your life, in this contest. :-)
4. Deadline to submit and vote is 12:00 AM on Monday January 10th, 2011.
5. Pictures with the most "likes" go home with a prize (Note: each picture is a separate entry. The picture with the most "likes" wins).
6. Number of winning pictures is determined by number of fans as of the cut-off date of the contest (i.e.,12:00 AM US Pacific Time on Monday January 10th, 2011). One winning photo for every 65 fans.
7. Ready? Set? ย Go! Start having fun*, NOW!
*Fun = special, unique, emotional, sweet, ......, fun!
P.S. What's the prize, you might ask. ย As I hinted at the end of last year, I was making a 2011 calendar with some of the beautiful pictures taken in Vietnam and Cambodia. ย What better way to experience the beauty of South-east Asia, for a whole year, without the expenses of traveling?