I still remember in the days of my corporate life, I'd say things like "when I retire, I would ...". ย It seemed that I was saving the best things in life until my "golden years". ย It seemed as if the life before retirement was supposed to be lacking, and suffering through it was part of the "package" that came with life.
Well, things do not always go with plans and who would have known that I could change? ย I changed, way before I reached retirement age. ย Somewhere along the line, I started looking within to search for happiness and contentment. ย So today, when I read the blog post "Before I Die - What is Important to You" byย public installation artist, designer, urban planner, and co-founder ofย Civic Centerย ย Candy Chang, I felt a sense of relief. ย As I tried to reflect on the things that I wanted to achieve over the years, I am happy that I did not wait for a "perfect time" to act on them.
We may be able to plan our retirement; we won't know when our last day is in this world. ย So what's on your list the things that you always wanted to do and yet life gets in the way? ย Since waiting does not seem to be a good option, make plans to start allowing room to act on your "dreams". ย
So what my dream life was like years ago, you may ask. ย I wanted to lead a creative life and travel around the world. ย And today, far ahead of my supposed "retirement age", I am creating as a photographer and oil painter (and many other ways of creating to come), and my passion for travel has taken me to many corners of the world. ย And yet, what's more fulfilling is that I'm able to contribute to a positive life experience to my clients by bringing beauty to their lives or reminding them of such beauty. ย I wouldn't have asked for my life any other way.
So today, allow yourself 5 minutes of your busy life to sit down and complete this sentence: "Before I die, I want to ____________". ย Look forward to your sharing!
P.S. As I was deep in the drafting of this post, a friend that hasn't called for years rang. ย As you would've expected, she was shocked (to say the least) at my changes. ย It'll be interesting to find out her husband's reaction when she tells him first thing back home. ย Hehe...