
If I'm Not Having Fun... - Los Angeles Transformational Beauty Photographer

I know what elegance is. And I know how to be lady-like, giving off the aura of peace and quiet:



But hey, it doesn’t stop there. At least not for me.

If life gives us all kinds of spices and seasoning, would we only take one taste, like sweet, nothing but sweet? Of course not.

So the same goes like this for me. Sometimes, you’d find me
hair flipped up and feet in the air (see below). Well, that may not be what you expect out of a lady, but I can certainly make a fine (lady) art out of it. Here’s proof:



This year, we (that’s me and my lady clients) are going to have so much fun, tasting all the spices that’s out there. The late Groucho Marx once said “If you're not having fun, you're doing something wrong.”

When you are ready to create a unique experience together, I’m here:

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To Stand Out, You Need to Stand High - Los Angeles Travel Photographer

I don’t remember since when i started enjoying observing wild lives. For example, it seems reasonable that one way to stand out from the crowd is to look different. However, look is so skin-deep nowadays, “different” can be uniform all of sudden.

In the natural world of animals, they have a thing or two to teach us. This red-crowned crane utilized its physical features to the fullest, and more. I mean, having long legs help, especially when they can jump.



On a different occasion, when I was marveled by the beautiful and cold Hokkaido sunrise, I met such a character. So, I guess, when you can’t grow anymore, grow a little inside, like a personality would help. :-)



What are the behaviors that you’ve observed of the animal world lately that has stayed in your mind?

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Happy Valentine's Day, It Takes Two to Tangle - Los Angeles Fine Art Photographer

Let’s face it. Not all relationships start with love. And for the ones that do, it’s not a guarantee that they will end that way. As a French proverb described:

Marriage is like a fortress besieged: those who are outside want to get in, and those who are inside want to get out.

(Le mariage est une forteresse assiégée, ceux qui sont dehors veulent y entrer, ceux qui sont dedans veulent en sortir.)

In fact, this proverb gave the inspiration to a well known novel the title Fortress Besieged (圍城). And yet, all that ancient wisdom did not stop any of us from proceeding heels over head into a relationship that’s sealed with a marriage. So, when I saw this couple in the Shimogamo Shrine (下鴨神社) in Kyoto that dates back to the 6th century, I thought that they’ve succeeded in setting the expectations, well, realistic.



When us human showed us what we could do with our self-proclaimed far superior intelligence, e.g., marriage could mean combining the two, in wealth, social influence, political power, etc., something with brains the size of birds showed me what a relationship could look like. Maybe, they have a thing or two to teach us about harmony, passion, and being tangled gracefully.



This Valentine’s Day, I wish you a fun day of tangoing to be tangled.

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