I know, I must feel like a slacker to you since I haven't posted for a while. But, but, I had a reason (in your vocabulary, it may be an excuse; but I'm sticking to my own opinion). The reason is that I took a trip to San Francisco and Napa and had many wonderful pictures from the trip. So while I'm diligently processing these pictures, the story-teller in me thought that I'd keep you entertained with some more pictures of Chole that I've processed.
Something tells me that if I do things with a passion (in this case, telling a story), you would love it. So, without further ado, here' the story.
Chloe is learning to walk and her parents bought her a little cart to walk with:
Chloe: "Yah, I can walk now!"
Chloe: "Stepping on the gas. The world is waiting for me to conquer..."
Chloe: " Wait, this thing is not going anywhere! Must be a mechanical problem. I can get it fixed in no time."
(Chloe, has it occurred to you that grandma might have put a "manual break" to your "car"?)
Chloe: "Help! Somebody? Help! Daddy?..."
Chloe: "I've decided that I'm upset. These 'big people' only care about their 'big cars'. No one's helping me. Sigh..."
Everybody, Chloe:
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