
Sample slideshow video with newborn photography images - Los Angeles Photographer

As a photographer, I have long been thinking about a new format of product.   The idea came about because my clients keep telling me that, even though they have beautiful wall art pieces from a select few of the images that I produce from our photography sessions, they like ALL of the ones that I presented to them.  So to create something beautiful and something that allows my clients to hold on to and to "show off" the nice portraits has been an obsession for me. 

One day, an aha moment came and this slideshow show video was produced, using some sample images from a newborn photography session.


Now, would my mom (and dad) clients be even happier customers? :-)

P.S. For more images of this baby, please click here

My first YouTube video about my life - Los Angeles Photographer

I'm not going to lie. ย I have been thinking about posting videos lately. ย And YouTube made it easy. ย It's so much fun making it. ย And I hope that you have fun watching it. ย What else would you get for 35 seconds of your life - a synopsis of my life (horror) stories. :-) If you watch this in your office, put on your head-phone. ย I can't help when you laugh too loud though. :-)