
Celebrate a Rebirth - Los Angeles Transformational Beauty Photographer

We all celebrate our birthdays once a year.  It's Polly's birthday and it has a special meaning to her. It's the first after she was diagnosed and been battling breast cancer.  I'm sure life has a different meaning and her priorities are more aligned with the things that are important to her.

Do we all need a "wake-up call" like that to start living our lives the way it's meaningful to us?  Can we all say that we've had a "hell of a life" (in a positive way :-)) on our last day in this world?

I'd like to take this opportunity, when Polly's celebrating her "rebirth", to say let's all live our lives as if it's our last (precious) day!

Here's Polly's story, the one that's to be continued:

Photographer/Editor: Jean Huang Photography Make-up Artist: Joanne Adolfo Song: Mindy Gledhill from Triple Scoop Music

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A Memorable Party, A Memorable Family - Los Angeles Event/Party Photographer

When Lissette contacted me about a surprise party that she and her family was planning for her mother, I was so excited and almost rushed out of my mouth "hire me, hire me". ย That's exactly the kind of environment where I'd love the energy from, the care, the love and, of course, the surprise. :-) Lucky for me, I got to experience the wonderful party, at a beautiful venue while all the festivities were in the air.

ยฉ Jean Huang Photography ยฉ Jean Huang Photography

Lissette, I'd say all the hard work that went into the party was worth it, even though you had to hide it from your mom while doing the planning under the same roof! ย What a fun party - the hugging and kissing (:-)), the nice food, the mariachi band and the dancing, the dancing, and more dancing. ย Even with the tears coming up when you and your sister were giving a speech, I'd still say it's a great party. :-)

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to experience such a beautiful party and to meet your beautiful family! ย And Aida, happy birthday! ย I'm sure the memories of this night will stay with you for a long time, with the help of my pictures. :-)

ยฉ Jean Huang Photography ยฉ Jean Huang Photography

Nathan, the Pirate Has Turned One - Los Angeles Event/Party Photographer

On this day, Nathan the Pirate turned one. ย Exactly one year ago, he had the biblical cord around his neck and couldn't wait to come out. ย So imagine how many people were happy to see that he's grown up (even for a little pirate). :-) The extended family gathered on this day. ย I met an uncle, uh-hum, a grand-uncle that drove from afar. ย And there's even people that flew in from Washington. ย Needless to say, mommy and daddy were very excited. ย Look what they've done to make this party "authentic":

ยฉ Jean Huang Photographyยฉ Jean Huang Photographyยฉ Jean Huang Photography

ยฉ Jean Huang Photography

With any party, especially that of a child, it's almost guaranteed that there will be many other kids. ย But, let's dedicate this post to Nathan, the little pirate that reached this important milestone. Congratulations, Polly and Cody! ย Happy birthday, Nathan! ย I wish you a wonderful life ahead of you. ย And, be good, even for a little pirate... ยฉ Jean Huang Photographyยฉ Jean Huang Photography P.S. For the CD with the pictures of this party, I designed and made a CD case for the family. ย For details, please click here.